Scent of odor magic properties The smell nail is a spice, native to India, very used in the gastronomic world for the preparation of different dishes and is also used in health related to the elimination of home and natural remedies.
Without embargp, there are few known their magical properties (to attract prosperity and money) and spiritual as purifying the aura.
So, if you want to put aside all the bad vibrations and attract good things, you just have to check out the different rituals and bathrooms that can be done with the clove of smell and then detail, but before, let's see more about the clove of magic properties.
Scent of odor magical properties and spiritual meaning
The spiritual significance of the odour nail is related to the attraction of the positive and prosperity and hence its magical properties are derived:
Scent of odor magic properties #1 Keep negative energies away Sometimes the atmosphere in our house or anywhere else we go is heavy. This can happen by negative people, the existence of discussions or even the presence of envious people. Fortunately, one of the great roles of the clove in the spiritual world is to help remove all those bad and negative energies.
Scent of odor magic properties #2 Attracting prosperity The clove of smell is able to remove unhappiness, bad thoughts and negativism. Therefore, the direct effect of this will be to bring happiness and prosperity to the desired place.
Your head will clear up, bad thoughts will disappear and economic problems will seem easier to solve because of the calm you will be subjected to.
Ritual odor nail to attract money
This clove ritual will help you attract money.
Things you need
White canvas
Wrap a handful of nails in a small white canvas.
At bedtime, take this amulet and think about how to improve your economic situation.
Hold the amulet in your hand while you do, then, before you fall asleep, place it under your pillow.
Most likely the answer will reach you while you're asleep. If not, repeat it the next night.
The esoteric powers of the nail will help you find the answer to the economic situation and how to attract money.
Ritual with coffee and clove to attract abundance
This is another fast and easy magic to do with great results to attract abundance in life.
Wait a rising moon night to make this magic.
Then you'll use:
1 seven-day candle,
7 coffee beans
7 cloves of smell.
Light the seven-day candle in a safe place and ask permission San Miguel Arcangel and San Uriel
to light the candle.
Captain Tsubasa Spain
Mix the coffee beans and nails into a bowl and while mixing say this spell:
“Of abundance I want closeness,
Now I invoke the touch of prosperity,
because this is my right, so be it!”
Then leave the jar next to the candle until it's finished burning, about a week.
When the candle is finished burning, bury the mixture of the pot near the front door of your house, it can be in a pot.
Odour nail bath
Odour nail bath to clean the aura
As mentioned above, and knowledge, so far from few people, the clove bath can bring many benefits to your spiritual health.
A nail bath helps clear all the evils that may exist against you, in addition to serving to raise your vibratory energies. This bathroom eliminates the evils that negatively affect your aura
His spirit and his life.
The smell nail bath belongs to the gypsy magic and is also extremely effective against the evil eye
See below a recipe for smell nail bath, which serves to remove the evil eye, oppression, disease and make a spiritual cleansing.
For this simple bathroom you will only need
7 cloves of smell
3 branches of Cinela
1 tablespoon m iel
1 liter of clean water.
- First boil the water.
- Then put the above items and boil for a few more minutes.
- Turn off the fire and let the bathroom cool.
- After your usual hygiene bath, pour the nail bath all over your body, from head to toe.
- Let the body dry naturally.
It is important to remember that to have the potential effects it is necessary to do so with much faith.
You can take this bath twice a week, respecting a minimum interval of three days between one and the other, just not to weaken the spirit and your aura.
Energy Magic Scent Bathroom
This bathroom is a wonderful renovator of energies.
Take a transparent glass jug or a transparent and colourless bottle and fill it with a liter of water.
10 mint leaves chopped,
7 cloves of smell
7 Pétalos de una Red rose
Let this potion rest in the sun for at least one hour and a maximum of four hours, and then mix with 3 liters of water.
Hang in another bowl to remove the ingredients and leave the liquid alone.
Take your usual bath, and when you're done, throw the mixture over your head and let it run all over your body.
Know also
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Scent of odor magical properties and spiritual meaning (rithual, bathroom, etc.)
Scent of odor magic properties The smell nail is a spice, native to India, very used in the gastronomic world for the preparation of different dishes and is al
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