Venus spiritual meaning, astrological and esoteric (zodiacal)




Venus spiritual meaning astrological and esot 1

Venus spiritual meaning Located 108 million kilometers from the Sun, Venus is visible from Earth and can be even brighter than the Sun and Moon when it is close enough.

It is incredibly similar to our planet in terms of chemical composition, mass and diameter (12,100 km). However, unlike the Earth, Venus has an opaque atmosphere that prevents it from seeing its surface, and takes 225 days to turn around the Sun, a time considerably less than that of the Earth. Let's see, then, the planet Venus spiritual meaning, astrological and esoteric.



The Meaning of This Planet

The prevailing concept that we have as love, especially that aspect of love that is romantized, exalts itself in song and poetry, seeks to the ends of the earth and, in general, it is thought that it is the quintessence of exchange among human beings, it could hardly be thought that it is of a logical nature. However, the essential quality of consciousness, the primary emanation of Divinity in the plane of causality, and His incarnation in humanity, is a pure expression of the Universal Mind.

At the level of the Soul, Venus is the vehicle for the emergence of this Principle of Love of Life, through the focused will of the Mind of God. It is this spiritual aspect of Venus that reveals to the Son of God (Venus exalted in Pisces) as the Son of the Perfected Mind (the Initiate). It is this consecrated human being who is the instrument of God's love.

Venus spiritual meaning works to convert knowledge into Wisdom. He harmoniously links the lower and higher mental faculties through the rhythm of relationship embodied in his sign, Gemini. His focus on the human organism is through the Third Eye, the eye of the Bull, etc. This is the seat of wisdom and the lens through which the most developed human being perceives the world.

Venus is, therefore, the focus of synthesis, the resolution of polarity {that is, the right and left eyes} and the quality of mixture that helps the resolution of duality. It is the energy of Venus that promotes diplomacy and establishes the right human relations between all people and among nations. The great power of Venus lies in its ability to establish harmonious relationships within the pairs of opposites, thus fostering the creative manifestation at all levels. This can be compared to the Mercury function, which awakens consciousness by linking opposites, but does not harmonize them or mix them.

One of the most beautiful aspects of this Venus function is also one of the most esoteric. In the Teachings of Ancient Wisdom, we find that the work of Venus helped to give humanity its special quality of being. Venus, through Gemini, provoked the attraction of the Third Kingdom of Nature (the Animal Kingdom) and the Fifth (the Kingdom of Souls).

The result of this ~matrimoñ was the birth of the Fourth Kingdom (the Human) – beings whose souls are attached to animal forms and whose great lesson is to redeem the animal self through those initiatic phases that lead to the infusion of the Soul in the lower self.


When Venus is working through the consciousness of an individual focused on the Soul, the concept and function of love gives one the objective of coordinating his Enable Intelligence so that it produces cohesive acts of good will and more correct human relations. This often requires the sacrifice of the nature of love focused on power and personality, so that the more transpersonal qualities of love can lead to an increasingly impersonal orientation of life.

Life becomes then more mentally polarized; that is, more perceptive to the cause than to the effect, to the essence more than to the form. This should not be confused with a life focused on the intellectual, as this indicates an emphasis on the lower mental facilities. The latter serve to store knowledge, formulate opinions and structure logic. Once the person is mentally polarized, his perception of reality is freed from the slavery of the astral-desired nature, and the true service can be externalized in the world.

It should be mentioned that, since love has a strongly synthetic quality, nothing is lost because of a loving and impersonal attitude.


Venus and its relationship with the zodiacal signs (tauro and pound)

Venus spiritual meaning represents beauty, good life, diplomacy, art and harmony. It is the regent of Taurus and Libra.Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty, is Venus for the Romans. It is the planet of balance, harmony of forms, softness and ability to resolve conflicts. However, the Venus figure from the mythological optics is associated with the castration, evident, for example, when a person with a high energy in Taurus - by establishing a couple's bond - feels the owner of the other. Scifi books reviews


, back to the past In the body, Taurus is represented by the neck, the area through which the external elements pass inside the body and where the vocal cords are protected. Because it is the part that receives what is consumed, without selecting, this sign is related to the ability to conserve.

Within the zodiacal world, Taurus is attached to memory and history. It is a sign that is orientated to the past and in the cases of a strong influence, people tend to accumulate, be it clothing, money, collections-Venus in Taurus exercises power and magnetism against the material, in the need to ‘have something safe’ and in order in the economic sphere.

Most people are measures in their expenses and organized with their accounts. Tauro women stand out for being delicate, very arranged and attractive. In general, the Taurus are docile, sentimental and with some fear of assuming new projects because Venus is not an impulsive planet.



Nothing but the truth This sign is associated in the body with the kidneys, the organ that selects what is nutritious of what is not. Hence it is the sign of the decision. Its goal is to search for truth and easily detect it. Because they are so perceptive, they are the perfect counselors.

They analyze very well before acting and usually their decisions are right. They are the artists par excellence, but not because they take a stone and with a chisel mould a figure, but because in the stone they already see the figure. In Libra, Venus behaves in a creative, altruistic way and through an ability to transmit knowledge.


The influence of the planet Venus zodiacal sign with the rest of the signs

Aries: excited! ai maximum point of projecting yourself in I was loved.

Gemini: taste for loving games, coquetry and taste for e! opposite sex.

Cancer: affection, nostalgia, idealist.

Leo: inability to accept loving failures.

Virgo: emotional insecurity, prudence in expressing your affections.

Scorpio: Intense and visceral feelings.

Sagittarius: noble, spontaneous and optimistic feelings.

Capricorn: rationality, loyalty.

Aquarius: original in his way of loving, but his affections as a couple can be multiple.

Pisces: misunderstandings and emotional towings.

If you want to know more about Venus spiritual, astrological and spiritual meaning, you can ask your question in the comment section.


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Venus spiritual meaning, astrological and esoteric (zodiacal)

Venus spiritual meaning Located 108 million kilometers from the Sun, Venus is visible from Earth and can be even brighter than the Sun and Moon when it is clos





Venus spiritual meaning astrological and esot 1
Venus spiritual meaning astrological and esot 1

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