Visualization to attract money (creative of prosperity and abundance)




Visualization to attract money creative of pr 1

Visualization to attract money The power to change our life and fill it with prosperity is within ourselves, in our way of seeing the world and in our potential.


In other words, power is in us. However, it is necessary to channel that energy or inner strength to make our dreams come true. One way to do this is through creative visualization.


What are the foundations of visualization to attract money, prosperity and abundance

This technique points out that, in order to attract prosperity, we must all be open to the opportunities presented to us and, at the same time, we must practice two essential values: honesty and honesty.

Being honored carries an act of love towards ourselves and avoiding not only stealing material objects but also stealing time and self-esteem from other people while honesty refers to any action we do; we will receive it back. I mean, if we judge, we'll be criticized.

Those people who are permanently smeared and answer badly will meet people who treat them the same way. If, instead, we help others, if we are generous, all these positive acts will return to us.


How to practice creative display of prosperity and abundance

Feel very comfortable in a chair or chair

Close your eyes.

To breathe rhythmically:

Inspire 1 -2-3-4-5-6-7-8

Retain the air 1 -2-3-4

Exhaling 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

Again, inspire 1 -2-3-4-5-6-7-8


Retain the air 1 -2-3-4

Exhaling 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

Breathe normal.


Visualize a beautiful road through a mountain

Show some flowers on the road

Approach to smell them

Feeling with pleasure your contact.

Keep walking and perceive how the breeze touches it gently.

Visualize how the trees move and the birds sing.

At this moment, you find yourself more relaxed and your mind is quiet, you should:

Breathe deep and, when exhaling, relax further.

Say some statements that will repeat mentally three times in a row.

I have dominion over my mind.

Poseo dominion over my body.

I have dominion over my thoughts.

I want to develop positive thoughts to achieve physical, mental and prosperity

I feel so much better.

Count one to ten. On reaching ten, open your eyes,


Creative visualization also points out that it is not possible to attract money by talking about its scarcity. It's just loss of mental energy that will keep the abundance away. Insisting in the foul will only bring more lacking. It is necessary to examine any negative thinking that is on the money, and then you should let it go.

It is important to understand, too, that it makes no sense to aspire to have money for the simple fact of possessing it. The important thing is to visualize the use that will give your money. It is not a matter of accumulating it but of making it a source of fullness to improve the life of all your loved ones. The money stagnating over time is lost; it must keep circulating, but always in the benefits of your family.


How to practice creative visualization to attract money

Feel very comfortable in a chair or chair
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Close your eyes.

To breathe rhythmically:

Inspire 1 -2-3-4-5-6-7-8

Retain the air 1 -2-3-4

Exhaling 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

Again, inspire 1 -2-3-4-5-6-7-8

Retain the air 1 -2-3-4

Exhaling 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

Breathe normal.


Visualize that an envelope is received


which opens

Visualize that in the envelope there are many tickets and more and more. It's such a large amount that it doesn't have a place to keep it.

Approach and see your colors

Feel your texture

At this moment, you find yourself more relaxed and your mind is quiet, you should:

Breathe deep and, when exhaling, relax further.

Say some statements that will repeat mentally three times in a row.

Poseo dominion over my mind.

Poseo dominion over my body.

I have dominion over my thoughts.

I want to develop positive thoughts to attract money

Count one to ten. On reaching ten, open your eyes

Through this technique it is communicating to the inner mind that it needs an abundant income of money.

Instead of worrying about the money you should pay, for example, on a farm, see that you have already paid as if it were really like that, as if you had a stamp with the word “paid.” I even feel the satisfaction of solving that problem. This can put it into practice with anything you have to pay and you will soon see how this creative visualization will help you.


Creative visualization to attract professional success

Once you have found a place to relax and have slowly entered a concentrated meditation state, look for a vivid image that represents your idea of professional success. It can be to hear applause after a great speech, the moment you get a great promotion or the way your loved ones react when you tell them you have achieved your goals at work.

Experience with several images and then concentrate on one that really talks about the feelings of pride, happiness and satisfaction that associates with professional success. This will be the image you will use in the next view. You may find it particularly useful to use creative visualization every morning before leaving home, as this process will allow you to take your positive images, emotions and beliefs to the workplace.

Know also
Checking the abundance on a new moon (such as filling, filling or doing)


Creative visualization for health improvement

Creative visualization does not substitute for proper medical treatment, physical training or a healthy diet. However, there is overwhelming evidence that creative visualization can, however, help improve your well-being if combined with practical strategies. While part of the success of these exercises can be due to greater motivation, certain aspects of the power of creative visualization remain mysterious despite their effectiveness.

If you are struggling with a chronic disease, a visualization technique involves focusing on a visual representation of triumph over your condition. It can be as creative as you want: some people imagine toxins or unhealthy cells that are suctioned from the body, while others imagine themselves immersed in a healing white light. Feel free to experience with different healing images until you discover that it impresses you with a visceral sense of power.


Know also

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Decree of abundance and economic prosperity, love and more

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Visualization to attract money (creative of prosperity and abundance)

What are the foundations of visualization to attract money, prosperity and abundanceHow to practice creative display of prosperity and abundanceHow to practice





Visualization to attract money creative of pr 1
Visualization to attract money creative of pr 1

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