Which means nails appear
/ which means finding rusty nails Since remote times the nail has been related to protection against negative entities.
In this sense, the ancient Greeks and Romans were protected from the evil spirits and undesired presences by enslaving on the walls of their thick iron cloves,Related with this belief is the "magic clam": in times of epidemic a nail was stuck on the wall of the Temple of Jupiter Capitolino so that the disease would be fixed to the wall, freeing from it the city of Rome.
Something has to do with this the Roman custom of counting the years by a nail that fixed to the wall and made it run every year.
The iron nail was attributed powers. It was believed to be a remedy against the epilepsy to stick it where the head of the patient had touched. If a sick child hangs at the neck a twisted old nail coming from the hull of a horse, he heals himself and in Catalonia he used to leave a nail under the bed in cases of sterility of the woman believing that he would be pregnant:
To be desired of the one who clearly rejects one, and attracts his will, is poured into the clog of the house of the one who loves a pork that carries oil, salt and three nails of iron tied to a thread of silk: if the person whose favor is sought treads the nails cannot resist the one who requires it. In many regions it is avoided that butter is cut by putting a nail on the cream when it is made
If you dream of nails means that the works that seem useless, but that will be lasting. In addition, the dream symbol can represent a situation in which sleep tension increases: the external circumstances or the ambition of sleep put the nails.
Therefore, the nail may appear in sleep as a sample of physical or mental pains. If the nail has been lost in sleep and is not found, a relationship, especially professional, is not very safe. A rusty screw records that a relationship has worn out over time. This dream has a background of a sexual meaning. In addition, nailing a nail in a dream is understood as a symbolized sexual relationship, nail looks like a male limb. Let's see, then, which means nails appear.
Which means nails appear/ which means finding rusty nails
Which means that nails appear It is fortunate that nails appear on the road or find a nail especially if it is rusty, but you have to follow a certain ceremonial to collect it from the ground: it must be done with the right hand, spit on it and throw it on the left shoulder without looking back and without worrying where it has fallen: It brings lousy luck to despise a nail not bending to take it.
Hechizos with nails
Ichizo with nail #1 Ritual of the water vessel and a nail not to absorb negative energy
In this case it is useful that the glass be glass. Since it is a rite that can be practiced daily and does not require almost work from the invocator.
In this sense, you should take a glass with water and a nail (preferably iron) inside and leave it under the bed while sleeping, to be possible in the place of the header. Before sleeping, the following prayer should be pronounced loudly:
“The glass wraps the water
And keep it from spilling.
That I should be wrapped like water
And get away from everything wrong.”
When waking up, check if there are bubbles attached to the walls of the glass. The more there is, the more negative energy we are receiving or emitting. If the water has evaporated, it could be a sign that someone is practising some evil against us. You must discard the water away from the house and wash the nail every day.
The glass under the bed generates a protective field that allows us to sleep peacefully, without the negative energy that can come from the outside or the interior affects us. During sleep we are more vulnerable to evil energies, so we must be double-precated when it comes to rest. We recommend practicing this rite every day. Thus we will enjoy a fuller and less burdened life of negative energy.
Ichizo with nail #2Ichizo with nail for the protection of home and family
Cursos gratis en Youtube
This is a well-known practice that serves to protect itself from the evil that we may want, to clean the environment of all negative energy. It is usually used, especially at home. This is a traditional spell.
You need a glass bottle, 3 nails, half lemon shell, sea fat salt, 3 chunks of rust root and a cork cap.
Meter all the ingredients inside the pot. Close the bottle with the cork plug. Leave the bottle in the window of the room where the caller sleeps, without touching or moving it.
Protection will be effective as long as the bottle stays on site and is not touched by anyone. If touched or moved, the amulet will lose its effect and it will have to be manufactured again by changing all the ingredients inside the pot and cork cap. This ritual will protect the person who invokes him from the evil eye and the bad intentions of those who want to hurt him.
Know also
Which means a dead cat at the door of your house
Prayer of the 3 nails
I cross with three nails and embrace the cross.
+ holy cross
+ dignified cross
+ divine cross.
I praise the Lord who died for my sins. Keep evil and evil away from my way.
May the holy cross and the sacred crown be before me, and peace the hearts of those who are against me.
Christ lives.
Christ defends me from all damage.
let the father release me.
May the son keep me.
that the holy spirit in my name intercedes.
Hail full you are of grace. you who have conceived without original sin.
praise be the holy sacrament.
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Which means that rusty nails appear and the 3 nails peel
Which means nails appear/ which means finding rusty nails Since remote times the nail has been related to protection against negative entities.

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