Witches to fall in love with a madly easy and effective man




Witches to fall in love with a madly easy and 1

Witches to fall in love with a man Get out, meet new people, fall in love... These are a few steps in our society to relate to other people while we seek great love.

The case is that we always have a group of people ready for an adventure, but when we talk about a real romance, it is quite factual.

So today, today we present a collection of spells to enamore a man in such a way that he feels very attracted and wants serious appointments with the person.



Sorrows and rituals

Witches to fall in love with a man #1


1 white egg

1 box of shoes with lid

How to do it:

Take the white egg and place it inside the shoe box and close it.

Now shake the box for seven times as you say:

“My love, my love, appears before me”

When you're finished, open the box and place your foot inside it, breaking or crushing the egg.

Remember to crush the egg very strong.

This act of breaking it will represent your willpower and also victory to enamore a man.

Once this ritual is finished, throw the egg and shoe box into the trash.

Then you can wash your feet in the shower with hot water and soap.

Finally, mind with all your heart, the latent desire to enamore a man.


Sorrows to fall in love with a man (to achieve a marriage) #2


1 white strip

1 pen.

How to Do

Write your name at one end of the white ribbon and the name of the man who wishes to fall in love at the other end. For 21 days, make a knot every day on the tape.

The first day, you make the first knot saying, “This tape has a knot that will bind you to me.” The second day, when making the second knot, say: “This tape has two knots that will join me,” and so on.

On the twenty-first day, you will make the last knot repeating the phrase and you will tie the ribbon on your wrist. Sleep with her and the next day leave her in a church that celebrates many weddings.



Witches to fall in love with a man #3


1 pen or pen

A white paper sheet

1 boat;


How to do it

Write the name of the man who wishes to fall in love with the paper. Then put the honey inside the jar and immerse the paper in the honey.

Then focus your thoughts on the person you want to fall in love with much faith and hope. Mind both of you together.

Save the jar for a week. On the seventh day, bury the jar, with honey and paper inside, at the foot of a tree full of flowers.


Witches to fall in love with a man #4

He'll need

1 small mirror

A notebook leaf

1 pen or pen

1 wet towel

How to do it:

Place the notebook on the mirror.

Write your name and the man who wants to fall in love with the notebook leaf and turn this part to the mirror.

Cover the mirror and leaf with your name with a wet towel.

The towel must cover the mirror and sheet until dawn. Then you can use it normally, but the mirror and the leaf with your name and that of the man who wants to fall in love should be kept in a safe place where no one touches them.
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Witches to fall in love with a man #5

You'll need

1 mirror

A white candle

1 glass of water

How to do it:

Light the white candle in front of the mirror.

Place the glass of water next to the lit candle

Pray 1 Our Father staring at the mirror and at that time imagine the man you desire to fall in love.

Then repeat the following sentence 3 times, imagining that he is before you:

If it is for my good, that the (person's name) comes to me without problems.

Know also
Prayer for me to declare his love and ritual to be declared

Witches to fall in love with a madly easy and 2 Prayer for me to declare his love The period that goes from falling in love to the constitution of the relationship of couple carries great anxiety. Each of the (...)


Witches to fall in love with a man #6

You'll need:

1 mirror

A photo of your loved one or his full name

1 red candle

A few drops of her favorite perfume

Some red rose petals

How to do it:

Take the mirror and place it on a table or on your bed.

Light the red candle over this lying mirror and drop 7 drops of wax over the mirror.

Place the picture of the man who wants to fall in love (or his full name written on a paper) on top of the wax drops and wait for him to stick.

Once this is done, put the mirror back in a vertical position and throw the red rose petals on the mirror.

Now take your favorite perfume and spray the photo (or the name) of the man who wants to fall in love three times.

This mirror should stay in your room for at least 7 days in a row. If you don't want anyone to see it, put it under your bed or anywhere else you consider safe.

During this period, every night before you go to sleep you must embrace the mirror with the photo.

After 7 days, you can leave the mirror in a safe place.


Do spells work to fall in love with a man?

Many people do not believe in amulets, rituals or spells, but the truth is that they exist since ancient times and have proven effects. There are a large number of people who believe in simple magic and the power of thought to influence the order of things in the universe.

In this way, spells to love a man tend to work better when they are made by those who really believe in them. The spells should be used only to facilitate the process, but they cannot be used to enamore a man at any price or against his will.

The greatest link that must unite people is love, a feeling that is built over time, through coexistence, respect and mutual cooperation. The rituals and spells they intend to help in love with a man work, but they must not be done unconsciously. Take into account the responsibility it entails and the last word has it God.


Know also

Esoteric wine and bathroom with red wine for love

Ritual to know if you are recited (a) in love

Ichizo with milk and milk and honey bath for love

Chocolate ritual to attract love (cao ritual)

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Witches to fall in love with a madly easy and effective man

Witches to fall in love with a man Get out, meet new people, fall in love... These are a few steps in our society to relate to other people while we seek great






Witches to fall in love with a madly easy and 1
Witches to fall in love with a madly easy and 1
Witches to fall in love with a madly easy and 1
Witches to fall in love with a madly easy and 1

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